We are pleased to invite all the SBEBA Trainees for SBEBACON 2021 - Clinical Presentation Competition.
Guidelines for online abstract submission
All participants are required to submit an abstract of their work to our panel of SBEBA pioneers . The abstract should include a short description of the case and outline why this particular case is of unique interest .
Word limit - 300 words with no references
After assessment of all the abstracts, the SBEBA pioneers will select participants who will be allowed to present their clinical case in competition
Deadline for abstract submission is 31st January 20:00 hours IST. Abstracts should be submitted in PDF format to
Rules for the final presentation
Format: The participants will use powerpoint format to present case
Content: Presentation in SBEBA Format
Time -15mts for presentation and 15mts for question answer session for each participant.
Two best presentations will be awarded Rs1500 each